How to deal with negative feedback at work #careerAMA

Hi there, my mate Mark Bowden ( @MarkBowden1 ) and I started a #careerAMA series in response to some of the questions we hear from the very senior clients and colleagues we coach and advise. So we decided that we are going to leverage that work, the knowledge and the experience that we have working with CEOs and senior leaders around the world, to help anybody who has a problem or a situation that we think we have thoughts, ideas, and approaches that might help.

If you have a question, you can send it to us via the comment below or visit:

Here’s a real question we received from LinkedIn recently. “I interviewed with an EVP who kept talking about negative feedback and how they ‘let loose’ on people at meetings and asked how I would deal with this as they might do it to me. How should I approach a question like this?”

It’s clearly a red flag, isn't it? Let’s get into it!

If you’d like to go deeper with Michael then consider The Heart of Transformation:

This is part of and interview with Tim Ellis, the founder of The Digital Transformation People. Learn more about him and his community here:


