Digital Transformation & Leadership: The 5 Big Questions


This article was originally published on CEO Today.

What does ‘digital’ actually mean? How will your company cope with digital transformation? What happens to the people who can’t or won’t go digital? Are your leaders doing what digital leaders have to do? Are you personally ready, willing and able to go digital yourself? Michael Leckie, digital transformation leader and advisor to Leading Edge Forum, addresses the big questions behind digital transformation.

When discussing digital transformation and winning in the digital world it’s useful to be reminded of the old story of two guys out in the jungle who see a lion. As the lion starts to head towards them, one of the guys sits down and gets out his running shoes. “What are you doing?” asks his companion. “Even with spikes you can’t outrun a lion!”

“No,” agrees the first. “But I don’t have to outrun the lion, I just have to outrun you.”

The bad news is that the lion that is the future digital world is headed straight for you whether you see it or not, so you’d better get your shoes on, get going, and give it your all. Your organization is going to have to transform to survive and thrive.

So, how do you get started and keep moving? My experience has led me to five big questions that can become the engine of transformation for you and your organisation.

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